Mittwoch, 5. November 2008

Brief Encounter - We Want To Play 1981 [Share]

Hello Friends This Is The Second Lp From The Brief Encounter


5 Kommentare:

Broadway hat gesagt…

Thank You Very Much For Sharing Your Rare Soul Lp's.

This Great Music!

invisiblenigma hat gesagt…

Thanks New Way!

jaguar hat gesagt…

Great LP.

Many thanks.

Anonym hat gesagt…

HI, thanks for sharing this .... Very Nice BLOG with great lps' for share or trade ... However , please check the Brief Encounter lp file as it seems not complete or broken ( 29mb and only tracks n 5/6/7/8) Could you please re-check and re-upload full lp again ..Thanks in advance

Anonym hat gesagt…

allerbesten dank!!! top class lp from brief encounter!!!